Get Involved!
Get Involved is the campaign of the United Nations Environment Protection program (UNEP)
You can read a collated list of UNEP Reports & Releases here.
James&Co is a participant in that program. We advocate to Get Involved by buying plant based no plastic fashion. Get plastic out of fashion.
Join us in this drive and activities to meet the target of limiting climate warming to 1.5% by 2050.
Read our blog post about the Turn Off The Tap Report.
And really Get Involved with the purchase of a James&Co mesh bag - the simplest alternatives to plastic bags.
The bag that the UNEP has identified as the solution, not pollution. Central to its theme to #beatplasticplastic on World Environment Day 2023.
The switch from a plastic bag to a reusable bag is one of the campaigns of Plastic Free July 2023.